Posted: 2022-04-06 04:46:38 Source:
Array is a linear collection of elements. To calculate the size of array, we can use sizeof() operator. With the help of sizeof() operator, we can easily find out the size of an array. In this article, we will discuss ways on how to determine the size of an array.
Posted: 2022-04-06 04:46:19 Source:
For the purpose of adding overlay effects to images you need to place them inside a div container and use various CSS properties to add overlay effects on them. Adding these effect to images can be an interesting way to enhance the beauty of the web pages. There are multiple overlay effects that you can add to your images such as, fade, slide top, slide left, and slide right. These effects can be added using various CSS properties.
Posted: 2022-04-06 04:46:05 Source:
To make the text appearing on web pages responsive, media queries are used. In the media query, specify the font size of the text at any particular width and the font size will alter according to the device type. Another method of performing this task is to use the viewport width. This method simply requires you to assign a certain font size to the text in ‘vw’ unit. Both of these methods have been explained in this post with the help of relevant examples.
Posted: 2022-04-06 04:45:34 Source:
When an inner array or sub-array is added to an outer array, it is called a nested JavaScript array. After creating a nested array, you can use the JavaScript push() and splice() method for adding elements, for loop and forEach() method to iterate over the elements of the inner arrays, flat() method for reducing its dimensionality, and pop() method to delete sub-arrays or their elements from the nested arrays.
Posted: 2022-04-06 04:45:26 Source:
The Switch Case Statement in JavaScript is utilized for executing one code block if the specified criteria is satisfied. It is primarily used when performing different operations based on different conditions. Switch Case Statement works similar to the "if-else" conditionals; however, the usage of switch case maintains the code readability.
Posted: 2022-04-06 04:45:02 Source:
Modf() is a built-in predefined function in C++ used for mathematical calculations. All these functions are present in the header file of C++ math. h'. The modf() function separates/break the given argument into two parts. One value would be an integer value, whereas the second one is the fractional value.
Posted: 2022-04-06 04:44:24 Source:
Breakpoints in CSS are referred to as those points on which the layout of a website alters corresponding to the screen size of the device type. There are two types of breakpoints, one that are specified on the basis of the device type and the other are defined on the basis of content type. The approach using the content type is preferred over the device type as there is a huge range of devices available in the market and it becomes difficult to specify breakpoints for each device individually.
Posted: 2022-04-06 04:44:11 Source:
For programming the Arduino the most popular used development tool is the Arduino IDE but there are other IDEs as well that can be used to program Arduino boards. If for some reason the Arduino IDE is acting up, then you can use the alternatives. There is a wide variety of development tools available but not all are the best to use. So, in this guide we have given a list of the best 5 alternatives to the Arduino IDE.
Posted: 2022-04-06 04:43:54 Source:
This article highlights the Linux Home directory that stores all information related to its users, its permissions structure, and application scenarios.
Posted: 2022-04-06 04:43:11 Source:
Iptables is a gateway that is crucial for many Linux platforms' network securities. Before doing anything, make sure your system is up to date and upgraded. If not, try the apt “update” and “upgrade” commands on the shell. Initially, let's glance at how to generate a rule list. The operational iptables rules may be seen in two distinct ways: in tabular form or a list of rule parameters. Linux Iptables List All Rules is discussed in this article.
Posted: 2022-04-06 04:42:53 Source:
The form is an integral part of the Laravel project. The login form, registration form, and contact form are mainly used forms for the visitors of any web application. The user submits the data to the application by using the form. It is essential to check the data submitted by the user is genuine, and the valid user is submitting the data. Laravel Form Validation using Controller is discussed in this article.
Posted: 2022-04-06 04:38:34 Source:
The Kotlin forEach function can be used to perform any operation of the element in the specified collections. The kotlin is a loop statement that is more conventionally used to make other loops like a while loop. The for loop and forEach loop are the same; therefore, it is comparable to the function approach towards the traditional for loop techniques. Kotlin ForEach is discussed in this article.
Posted: 2022-04-06 04:38:21 Source:
The Kotlin extension function is a function derived from a class that is implemented outside that class. You can easily extend the functionality of a class by creating a function outside the scope of this class. In this article, we’ll help you understand the working of the Kotlin extension function.
Posted: 2022-04-06 04:38:07 Source:
A JavaScript recursive function is a type of function that invokes itself, either directly or indirectly. With the help of recursion, a specific problem can be solved by returning the value call of the same function. A JavaScript recursive function must have a base case; without it, a recursive function will never end, resulting in an infinite loop.
Posted: 2022-04-06 02:46:09 Source:
NuTyX is a French Linux distribution (with multi-language support) built from Linux From Scratch and Beyond Linux From Scratch, with a custom package manager called "cards". The project's latest snapshot is NuTyX 22.04.1 which features updates to the major desktop environments along with updated web browsers and new....
Posted: 2022-04-05 16:00:00 Source:
In my previous article, I described what KernelCare is. In this article, I’m going to tell you how to install, uninstall, clear the KernelCare cache, and other important information regarding KernelCare. In case you’re yet to know about the product, here’s a short recap. KernelCare provides automated security updates to the Linux kernel. It offers patches and error fixes for various Linux kernels.
So, if you are looking for anything similar, you have landed upon the right page. Let’s begin without further ado.
Before installing KernelCare in your Linux system, ensure that you have either of these operating systems as given below.
64-bit RHEL/CentOS 5.x, 6.x, 7.x
CloudLinux 5.x, 6.x
Virtuozzo/PCS/OpenVZ 2.6.32
Debian 6.x, 7.x
Ubuntu 14.04
Note: In case you have KernelCare installed on your machine, it might be useful to know the current KernelCare version before installing KernelCare next time. To know the current version run the below-given command as root:
/usr/bin/kcarectl –uname
To check if your current kernel is compatible with KernelCare, you need to use the following code.
curl -s -L | python
Run the following command to install KernelCare.
curl -s -L | bash
If you use an IP-based license, you don’t need to do anything more. However, if you use a key-based license, run the following command.
/usr/bin/kcarectl --register KEY
KEY is a registration key code string. It’s given to you when you sign up to purchase or to go through a trial of KernelCare. Let’s see an example.
[root@unixcop:~]/usr/bin/kcarectl --register XXXXXXXXXXX
Server Registered
The above example shows a registration key code string.
If you experience a “Key limit reached” error message, then you need to first unregister the server after the trial ends. To do the same type:
kcarectl --unregister
For checking if the patches have been applied successfully or not, use the command as given below.
/usr/bin/kcarectl --info
Now the software will check for new patches automatically every 4 hours.
If you want to run updates manually, run:
Posted: 2022-04-05 15:54:49 Source:
In C language, there are a few functions that can be utilized to take input. Getchar() function is specifically utilized to get a single character input from the user defined in the standard input library of C language. This article will discuss the working of getchar() usage in C program.
Posted: 2022-04-05 15:31:44 Source:
ImagePullBackOff is caused by Kubernetes container runtime being unable to fetch the image from either a public or private container registry. Kubernetes will constantly pull the image with a growing backoff delay, as indicated by the Backoff component. This article will discuss ImagePullBackOff and three potential sources of the problem.
Posted: 2022-04-05 15:02:40 Source:
Posted: 2022-04-05 15:00:17 Source: