How to Align Content in CSS?

Posted: 2022-03-05 14:37:34

To align content in CSS horizontally(right, or left, or center) or vertically you can use position property, float property, padding, line- height, or flexbox, etc. Furthermore, you can use these properties to align text and images appearing on your website. Different approaches along suitable examples are discussed in detail, that come in handy when dealing with alignment of the content on your web pages.

How to add Transparency in CSS using opacity Property?

Posted: 2022-03-05 14:37:19

The opacity property is used to add transparency to various HTML elements such as div containers, or images. This property renders values from 0.0 to 1.0, moreover, the lower the value of this property, the more the transparency. RGBA colors are used to prevent the content inside an element from getting transparent.

How to add Ionicons in HTML and CSS

Posted: 2022-03-05 14:37:05

To embed an Ionicon in HTML all you have to do is copy the scripts from the installation section of the Ionicons and paste them into your HTML document. Afterward, select the Ionicon of your choice, copy the component code and paste it into your HTML document. This write-up provides a detailed understanding of what Ionicons are, and how to implement/use Ionicons in HTML.

How Methods of Map object work in javascript | Explained with Examples

Posted: 2022-03-05 14:36:49

There are multiple JavaScript map object methods that allow you to create a new map, set or display values in a map, etc. These methods are set(), get(), delete(), clear(), has(), forEach(), keys(), values(), and entries(). All of these methods serve a different purpose which is explained in detail along with relevant example.

How does the loyalty work on Trident in Minecraft

Posted: 2022-03-05 14:35:54

Loyalty is the enchantment available in Minecraft that is exclusively available for the trident only. Trident is among the rarest weapons that can’t be crafted and can only be obtained by killing a “Drowned” mob underwater. and can be used as both melee and long ranged. What loyalty does is when you throw this weapon on any mob, it will return to you after a few seconds. This article is a detailed guide on how loyalty works on Trident in Minecraft.

GET vs POST methods in jQuery

Posted: 2022-03-05 14:35:09

The GET method can be useful when you want to save the URL for future use whereas the POST method is beneficial in performing secure processing of sensitive data. The GET and POST are the most used methods to build communication between servers and clients. This article provides a detailed overview of the GET and POST methods and offers a head-to-head comparison of both methods.

Encapsulation in Java | Explained

Posted: 2022-03-05 14:34:51

In Java, encapsulation provides security by means of hiding sensitive data including class attributes and member functions from other classes. To achieve encapsulation in Java, we have to specify the class attributes as private, and to access or modify these private variables from some other class, we can use the getters and setters as public for each of the class private variables/attributes.

email validation in JavaScript

Posted: 2022-03-05 14:34:37

In javaScript, a regular expression /^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/ is used to validate an email address in HTML forms that specifies the pattern of a valid email. Furthermore, if/else statements are used to specify conditions for valid as well invalid email addressess. This write-up guides you on how to validate an email address using JavaScript with the help of a relevant code.

CSS Combinator Selectors | Explained

Posted: 2022-03-05 14:34:25

A CSS combinator selector selects elements on the baiss of their relationship with other elements. There are four combinator selectors in CSS. A descendant selector styles all the successors of an element, a child selector styles the direct children of an element, an adjacent sibling selector styles the siblings of an element that comes right after that element, and a general sibling selector styles all the siblings of an element.

Constructor in Java | Explained

Posted: 2022-03-05 14:34:08

Constructor is a special type of method/function having the same name as the class name and it doesn't have a return type. Every class has a constructor, and it will be invoked whenever an object of the class is created. It may or may not take the parameters, the one which didn’t take any parameter is referred as the default constructor and the other one which takes parameter is referred as the parameterized constructor.

Classes and Objects in Java | Explained

Posted: 2022-03-05 14:33:46

A Java class is a blueprint that describes the properties and behavior of an object. In java, a class can be created using the class keyword followed by a class name, and an object can be created using the new keyword. In Java, multiple classes can be created to perform different functionalities and can be accessed from other classes as well.

Class Methods in Java | Explained

Posted: 2022-03-05 14:33:31

The class/static method can be accessed within the class directly while accessing the public methods without creating the object is not possible. While, in the case of multiple classes, the methods will be accessible only with the help of class objects regardless of their access modifier. This write-up provides a comprehensive guide of what are class methods how to access them from the same class and from a different class.

Best Potions to Brew in Minecraft

Posted: 2022-03-05 14:32:49

Potions are one of the most useful items available in the game that can make your gameplay more exciting in Minecraft. There are a variety of potions available in the game and in this guide, we have discussed the top 3 potions which we think you should consider. The Fire-Resistance, Breathing, and Strength potions and their brewing are discussed in this tutorial.

Abstraction in Java | Explained

Posted: 2022-03-05 14:32:36

In Java, abstraction provides security by means of showing the essential details and hiding certain details from the user, and to create an abstract class or method the abstract keyword is used. Abstract class can’t be instantiated, and it can have abstract as well as the regular methods. The abstract method will be declared in the abstract class and defined in the regular class.

Inheritance in Java | Explained

Posted: 2022-03-05 14:30:59

Inheritance allows a class to access the properties of some other class and to do so, a keyword extends is used in java. After inheriting the parent class, the properties of the parent class can be accessed using the object of the child class. The final keyword can be used to prevent a class to be inherited by any other class.

HTTP information status messages | Explained

Posted: 2022-03-05 14:30:30

The HTTP information status messages keep on tracking the sent request and the behavior of the server to that request. The HTTP information status messages are divided into three categories and each category tells the status of the request and the relevant response of the server. The 100 Continue refers to the initial part of the request made by the client, the 101 Switching Protocol represents that the client wants to change the application protocol, 102 Processing means the server has accepted the request whereas the 103 Early Hints tell the client that the server is preparing a response.

HTML Media Events

Posted: 2022-03-05 14:30:16

The HTML events occur whenever any kind of manipulation happens to the media elements on the page. The HTML 5 is quite rich regarding the media events, as the number of media events has been increased from the previous HTML version. This article enlists the HTML media events, their purpose, and the syntax supported by all. The HTML media events can be used to keep a focus on the change that occurs due to the media.

HTML layout elements and techniques

Posted: 2022-03-05 14:30:02

The HTML layout elements and HTML layout techniques provide the functionality to design a web page in a presentable manner. For this, various HTML semantic elements and HTML layouts are provided in this article. The semantic elements best serve the purpose of their usage and thus are considered to be an important ingredient of the web page. The HTML layout techniques may include CSS frameworks (Bootstrap or W3.css), CSS float, CSS flexible box, and CSS grid.

HTML Document Type Explained

Posted: 2022-03-05 14:29:49

The tells the browser about the version of the HTML language being used in HTML documents. There are different ways to declare a document type in HTML5 and HTML4. If the document type is not defined, the latest versions of the browser recognize it as an HTML5 document. For HTML4, you must specify it to use the elements/properties supported by HTML4. It is recommended (not necessary) to use the for every HTML document.

How to use Reflect API in JavaScript

Posted: 2022-03-05 14:29:33

The use of Reflect API in JavaScript enables you to invoke Object methods, get and set object property values, construct objects, extend and manipulate its properties at run-time. It also permits the creation of dynamic code-handling frameworks and programs. This write-up discussed the use of Reflect API in JavaScript with the help of suitable examples.

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