Posted: 2022-02-09 10:53:27 Source:
The ASCII is the acronym of the American Standard Code for Information Interchange and from the name it can be assumed that it is the code used for interchanging the information from machine to humans or machine to machine. Computers can only save the data in numbers because they only understand the number language. So, in order to make computers understand the characters, each character has to be a specific number. This article is a guide on what an ASCII table is, how it can be understood and in what ways it is useful for the communication between the different devices and computers.
Posted: 2022-02-09 10:50:57 Source:
In JavaScript, the window.screen object is used for acquiring information related to the current user screen and the window.screen object properties are utilized to display the width, height, available width, available height, color depth, and pixel depth of the current screen. This write-up discussed window.screen object properties in JavaScript. Moreover, the examples related to screen.width, screen.height, screen.availWidth, screen.availHeight, screen.colorDepth, and screen.pixelDepth window screen object properties are also provided.
Posted: 2022-02-09 10:48:01 Source:
JavaScript has only one type of number known as “floating-point numbers” that follows the IEEE 754 standards. In JavaScript numbers are also known as the fractions which are stored in bits from 0 to 51, the sign is stored in 63 bits and the exponent is stored in bits 52 to 62 bits. This post explains how numbers behave with the strings during arithmetic operations, and what are symbolic number values with the help of examples.
Posted: 2022-02-09 10:42:53 Source:
Strings are variables that can be manipulated in many ways. C++ came up with the “to_string()” function to convert numbers, float values, exponential values, and expressions to strings after any calculation. The to_string() function of C++ is discussed in this article.
Posted: 2022-02-09 10:41:14 Source:
Stoi is an abbreviation of “string to an integer”. The stoi() function in plain language simply transforms strings into integers in the C++ programming language. How to use stoi() function in the C++ programming language is discussed in this article.
Posted: 2022-02-09 10:38:47 Source:
In simple words, casting alters the data type of a variable into another. There are two types of casting in the C++. The implicit type casting is done by the compiler on real run time compilation and does not require any input or action from the user. The typecasting mechanism in C++ is discussed in this article.
Posted: 2022-02-09 10:35:29 Source:
Resources are constantly in short supply. Memory must be assigned to the variables that we construct. There is now a distinction between how we think things happen and how they happen. The concept of the realloc() function in the C programming language is discussed in this article.
Posted: 2022-02-09 10:30:10 Source:
There are a lot of animals in Minecraft. It's fun to watch their behavior when you play the game. While the sheep in Minecraft provide wool, meat, and experience points, they are very innocent animals. However, players are always curious about how they restore the wool. So the answer is by eating. What do sheep eat in Minecraft is discussed in this article.
Posted: 2022-02-09 10:28:29 Source:
List and vectors are included in the category of data structures. A list is a sequence that supports traversal in both forward and backwards, and it is known to be a double-linked sequenced list. We can insert delete items at any position, at the start, end, and in the middle as well. List vs vector C++ compared is explained in this article.
Posted: 2022-02-09 10:26:06 Source:
A list is a data structure that contains the items in it in the form of a sequence. An iterator acts like a pointer that indicates the items inside the list. Iterators are used mainly to move through the data inside a list. Iterators are also used to indicate the memory address of the containers. List iterator C++ is explained in this article.
Posted: 2022-02-09 10:23:00 Source:
A string is the data type for information in words, numbers, and any other character to be stored in a variable as a string. Sometimes the contents of a string are very long, and we may have to keep a check so that we can manage the memory load of our program or code. This article discusses how to find the length of a string in C++.
Posted: 2022-02-09 10:21:12 Source:
This article provides an easy step-by-step guide on how to use the Java StringBuilder. This helpful tutorial highlights the string literal cannot be edited with the String class in Java, the StringBuilder class is a form of the string class, and the class can be found in the java.lang.* package.
Posted: 2022-02-09 10:13:18 Source:
A Collections class has the sort() method to sort a list in ascending order. It also has the reverseOrder() method, which enables sorting in descending (reverse) order. The reverseOrder method is not used ordinarily. It is used as an argument in one of the overloaded sort() methods. The Collections class is in the java.util.* package, which has to be imported by the programmer to be used. Java Collections Sort and Arrays Sort is explained in this article.
Posted: 2022-02-09 10:07:26 Source:
Firefox from Mozilla and Chrome from Google are the two most dominating browsers on the internet. Once you are done synchronizing your bookmarks and other data, you can open them with your new Firefox browser. All your bookmarks from Google Chrome can be found in the Bookmarks menu and Bookmarks toolbar. How to import bookmarks from Chrome to Firefox is explained in this article.
Posted: 2022-02-09 09:58:29 Source:
The history object (property of the window object) denotes the web browsing history of a user in the form of arrays consisting of the URLs that the user visited. It consists of many properties and methods such as length property is used for fetching the number of web pages visited by the user, forward() method is used to load the next page, back() method is used to load the previous page and go() method is used to load a specific page using the page number. These properties and methods are highlighted in this write-up along with suitable examples.
Posted: 2022-02-09 09:50:06 Source:
This article provides an easy step-by-step guide on how to read from a local file in Java. This helpful tutorial highlights how a user can read a local text file by using the stream class, FileReader, and how a user can read a byte file using the stream class, FileInputStream.
Posted: 2022-02-09 09:38:01 Source:
Librarian is one of the best village businesses in Minecraft. Players in Minecraft can get an indefinite amount of emeralds by having a good librarian inventory. With its help, you can make paper easily. Players can also access mighty enchantments through librarians. How to make a Librarian in Minecraft is discussed in this article.
Posted: 2022-02-09 09:32:26 Source:
To install Raspberry Pi OS on SD card you need a PC, Windows or macOS based. Raspberry Pi 4 is an all-in-one platform, however, it does not come with the pre-installed operating system. If you are interested in doing projects on Raspberry Pi 4, you need to have an operating system on the hardware. This article is a thorough guide on how to install Raspberry Pi OS on SD card using Raspberry Pi Imager.
Posted: 2022-02-09 09:31:04 Source:
Minecraft is one of the best games for building anything, including large structures, castles, villages, and many more. You can also build a barn using a few materials. How to build a barn in Minecraft is discussed in this article.
Posted: 2022-02-09 09:24:12 Source:
Smartphones are the future of humanity. The efficiency of smartphones is everything when it comes to daily use. But eventually, when you use a smartphone every day, it becomes quite slow during the time. There can be many reasons for that, like increased storage or heating of the device. How o make your Android faster is discussed in this article.