Best food sources in Minecraft

Posted: 2022-01-25 21:22:20

In Minecraft, eating is necessary since the game demands the player to keep their hunger levels up. The maximum hunger level is twenty points. There are several food items in the game, however not all of them are as useful as others and this article explains the most useful food items that you can get to cover your hunger even for several days in Minecraft.

Best Automated Farms in Minecraft

Posted: 2022-01-25 21:13:58

Gathering Minecraft resources manually takes a long time because they are distributed around the Minecraft world. As a result, it is preferable to establish farms so that you do not have to fight for such resources. However, determining what are the most valuable farms that can assist you for a longer period is a time-consuming procedure. This article lists the best and easy to create Minecraft automated farms.

How to read voltage in Arduino

Posted: 2022-01-25 21:12:07

We can read the analog voltage signals from the analog I/O pins of the Arduino board and this input is converted to the digital values using the ADC. In this write-up, we have demonstrated an example of reading analog voltage input and visualized the results on a serial monitor as well as a serial plotter.

How to trade with the Piglins in Minecraft

Posted: 2022-01-25 21:04:56

The Piglins are a neutral creature in Minecraft that will not harm you unless you are wearing at least one golden armour. Gold has captivated them entirely, and it is the only thing that keeps their world spinning. You need to go to another world with a name of ‘Nether’ where you need to find them and then you can trade with them by throwing any type of gold in front of them. This article explains the entire process of trading with piglins in Minecraft.

Arduino Input and Output functions

Posted: 2022-01-25 21:03:29

To interface the Arduino board with different integrated chips, sensors, LEDs, and other peripherals different functions are used for the input and output. There are five different types of functions that are used in Arduino for configuring its inputs and outputs pinMode(), digitalRead(), digitalWrite(), analogRead() and analogWrite(). This article is a thorough guide on how to use Arduino input and output functions.

How to use breadboard with Arduino

Posted: 2022-01-25 20:55:47

Breadboard is mostly used by beginners to understand the working of circuits. Similarly, it is also used for prototyping the circuit before transferring it to advanced boards like printed circuit boards. This article is a detailed guide on what a breadboard is and how to use it with an Arduino board. To further elaborate a simple project of blinking an LED is made using Arduino.

Analog Read Serial Arduino

Posted: 2022-01-25 20:52:05

The analogRead() function is used to read the analog values from the analog pins(A0 to A5) of Arduino. The pins also act as the ADC and convert the output from analogue value to readable value that is between 0 to 1023. This article is a detailed guide on how to use analogRead() function in Arduino. A simple example with simulation and hardware configuration is also provided in this tutorial.

The best enchantments you should get on a trident

Posted: 2022-01-25 20:45:03

Minecraft has a variety of weapons, such as crossbows and swords that can be used as ranged or melee weapons, but only the trident can be used both ways that makes it an ideal choice for fighting mobs. You can enhance the capability of this weapon by using enchantments. This article lists some of the best enchantments you can get on trident in Minecraft.

The best way to find netherite in Minecraft

Posted: 2022-01-25 20:33:16

Netherite is the strongest but also a very rare element that you can get in Minecraft to fight mobs. It has the strongest durability and the highest attack power which means that it can be used for both defensive and attacking purposes. You can use this element on any diamond-based gear. This article is a detailed guide to find the netherite in Minecraft.

What is INPUT_PULLUP in Arduino

Posted: 2022-01-25 20:22:09

The input_pullup is used to define the behavior of the pin as an input and add the resistance of around 20k ohms to the pin. The input_pullup is different from the input function; if the pin is set to input, it will only take the input and if it is set as input_pullup, then it will add the resistance of about 20k ohms to the input and make it high. In this write-up, with the help of an example, we have explained the input_pullup and its works.

deepin 20.4 overview | Smart and Powerful

Posted: 2022-01-25 17:33:50

Linux Essentials - htop

Posted: 2022-01-25 14:15:01

Linux Foundation Launches Open Source Software Development, Linux, and Git Certification

Posted: 2022-01-25 10:00:00

The Linux Foundation has released three new training courses on the edX platform: Open Source Software Development: Linux for Developers (LFD107x), Linux Tools for Software Development (LFD108x), and Git for Distributed Software Development (LFD109x). The three courses can be taken individually or combined to earn a Professional Certificate in Open Source Software Development, Linux, and Git. ZDNet reports: The first class, Open Source Software Development: Linux for Developers (LFD107x) explores the key concepts of developing open-source software and how to work productively in Linux. You don't need to know Linux before starting this class, as it's an introduction to Linux designed for developers. In it, you'll learn how to install Linux and programs, how to use desktop environments, text editors, important commands and utilities, command shells and scripts, filesystems, and compilers. For this class, the Foundation recommends you use a computer installed with a current Linux distribution. I'd go further and recommend you use one with one of the professional Linux distributions. In particular, you should focus on one of the three main enterprise Linux families: Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), and Ubuntu. There are hundreds of other distros, but these are the ones that matter to companies looking for Linux developers. The next course, Linux Tools for Software Development (LFD108x) examines the tools necessary to do everyday work in Linux development environments and beyond. It is designed for developers with experience working on any operating system who want to understand the basics of open-source development. Upon completion, participants will be familiar with essential shell tools, so they can work comfortably and productively in Linux environments. In addition, I recommend you come to this class with a working knowledge of the C programming language. Finally, Git for Distributed Software Development (LFD109x) provides a thorough introduction to Git. Git is Linux Torvalds' other great accomplishment. This source control system was first used by the Linux kernel community to enable developers from around the world to operate efficiently. In addition, thanks to such sites as GitHub and GitLab, Git has become the lingua franca of all software development. Everyone uses Git today. With this class, you'll learn to use Git to create new repositories or clone existing ones, commit new changes, review revision histories, examine differences with older versions, work with different branches, merge repositories, and work with a distributed development team. Whether or not you end up programming in Linux, knowing how to use Git is essential for the modern programmer. As ZDNet's Steven Vaughan-Nichols notes, you can take the three courses through edX in audit mode for no cost. However, you'll need to earn the professional certificate so employers will know you're capable of open-source programming. "To do this, you must enroll in the program, complete all three courses, and pay a verified certificate fee of $149 per course."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Cin.ignore() in C++

Posted: 2022-01-25 09:04:36

To disregard or remove single or maybe more letters from the input buffer using the cin.ignore() method. Maybe we need to remove the undesirable buffer so that the next data is stored in the intended container rather than the preceding variable's cache. For instance, we must provide a character array or string after inputting the cin command. Cin.ignore() in C++ is explained with examples in this article.

Std::move in C++

Posted: 2022-01-25 09:04:30

Just like many other C++ functions, the std::move() function is unique in its functionality. As the name suggests, it has been utilized to move the value of one variable to another while deleting the value of the first variable. It can be used with or without the push_back() function of the vector library. std::move in C++ is explained with examples in this article.

Pop!_OS 21.1 Quick overview #Shorts

Posted: 2022-01-25 07:55:18

Assignment Operators in JavaScript | Explained with Examples

Posted: 2022-01-25 05:09:46

The assignment operators in JavaScript are useful when assigning values to the operands or performing different arithmetic operations on the variables in an expression. There are numerous assignment operators in JavaScript like assignment(=), addition assignment(+=), subtract assignment(-=), multiplication assignment(*=), division assignment(/=), etc. which are used for various purposes. This tutorial highlights these operators along with their examples.

next-20220125: linux-next

Posted: 2022-01-25 05:07:14

Version:next-20220125 (linux-next)

C++ vs. Java

Posted: 2022-01-25 04:49:24

C++ is best suited for system programming and developing games and compilers, while Java is perfect for android applications and web applications. Declaring one better in comparison to another would be unjustifiable because both have their own pros and cons. It is totally up to the requirements of the type of application or software you are developing.

CSS Selectors

Posted: 2022-01-24 23:56:47

CSS selectors find/target the HTML elements and implement some styling properties on them. There are numerous types of CSS selectors, this write-up covered a few of them like element selector and class selector based on the element name and class name of the element respectively. Each type performs different functionalities like id selector implements some action based on element’s id, grouping selector target the multiple elements, universal selector affects the whole document.

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