Use of Console in PHP

Posted: 2021-12-07 10:58:13

This article provides a guide using the console in PHP. This tutorial highlights the different ways to use json_encode() function to display data in the browser console, such as displaying string data into the console, displaying array values, into the tag, displaying multiple lines, and with the func_get_args() function.

is_null function in PHP

Posted: 2021-12-07 09:57:16

This article provides a guide on how to use is_null() in PHP to check the null value. This tutorial highlights the function of the null value and the different uses of the is_null() function, such as testing the different types of values and checking the output after unsetting the variable.

What is Nvidia Ansel?

Posted: 2021-12-07 09:47:24

To provide the best gaming experience, Nvidia has developed Ansel. Ansel is included in the GeForce Experience suite developed for capturing exceptional in-game screenshots. It lets you reposition the camera to take a snap of the best angle with utmost precision. Nvidia Ansel is discussed in this article.

What is Kubectl Rollout Restart?

Posted: 2021-12-07 09:39:53

Kubernetes is a free and open-source platform for managing, scaling, and deploying containerized applications. Pods in Kubernetes should typically run until a new deployment replaces them. To eliminate old containers and begin fresh new instances, start a rollout. Kubectl Rollout Restart is discussed in this article.

Vim Regular Expressions

Posted: 2021-12-07 09:21:15

Regular expressions are tools that are used to alter text and data. Regexps are extremely handy and can drastically minimize the amount of time it takes to complete tedious text editing tasks. Regular expressions appear to be fast gaining favor among VIM users as they learn about the incredible programming capability that they can bring. The most commonly used regular expressions in Vim are discussed in this article.

Ubuntu Vs. Amazon Linux

Posted: 2021-12-07 07:53:23

Ubuntu is an open-source operating system based on Linux and is freely available to all its users, and is derived from Debian released in 2004. Amazon Linux is a Linux distribution created by Amazon. Its main motive is to be used in Amazon Web Services on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.

Set Session Timeout in PHP

Posted: 2021-12-07 07:41:19

The session timeout checks the inactivity of a registered user. When a user logs in to a website, a session is created and destroyed when the user logs out or closes the browser. This article will discuss and show the way to set or update the session timeout in PHP.

How to remove a class name from an element through JavaScript

Posted: 2021-12-07 07:39:51

JavaScript can be used to remove a class name from an HTML element on a webpage with the help of the .classList.remove(). It can even be used to remove multiple classes from the class list of an element. To showcase this, we can create a basic HTML with a div element on it. Afterward, we can code a script to remove the class from that element.

How To Install the Deno JavaScript Runtime on Ubuntu 20.04

Posted: 2021-12-07 07:38:13

Deno JavaScript can be installed by downloading “” from their official Github Repository and extracting it in your desired directory. This to-the-point and profound step-by-step guide provides a brief explanation on how to install the Deno JavaScript on Ubuntu 20.04 and test a simple hello world program using Deno REPL.

How to format numbers in javaScript using the toFixed() method

Posted: 2021-12-07 07:37:04

The toFixed() method was introduced in ES3 and is a built-in number method that rounds off a number to some specific number of decimals and returns that number as a string. This post provides all the answers of what the toFixed() method is, how to describe its syntax, and how to format numbers in JavaScript using the toFixed() method in JavaScript.

next-20211207: linux-next

Posted: 2021-12-07 07:36:41

Version:next-20211207 (linux-next)

How to Dynamically Import JavaScript with Import Maps

Posted: 2021-12-07 07:36:05

Dynamic importing is the process of importing external libraries only when they are required, thus creating less congestion on the server. Dynamic Import in web pages is done through a feature called import maps. Import map, is an ES6 feature, it contains a key-value pair, with the key being the name of the import and the value being the location of the import.

What is spread (…) syntax in javaScript | Explained with Examples

Posted: 2021-12-07 06:57:42

Spread syntax or commonly known as the spread argument is used to expand the elements of an iterable object -: Array or String - over a list of arguments of a function by individually passing each element. This functionality of the ES6 JavaScript programming language allows dealing with certain scenarios where you have more arguments than the parameters of the function. The spread operator can also be used to concatenate elements of the array which we examined with the help of an example.

Postgres Update Rows

Posted: 2021-12-07 06:54:44

This article provides an easy step-by-step guide on Postgres Update Rows. This helpful tutorial highlights updating rows in a table using the “UPDATE” command in PostgreSQL in different queries, such as implementing the “UPDATE” command using the “WHERE” AND “RETURNING” clauses in the statements and updating single and multiple rows.

Postgres Insert Into Table Examples

Posted: 2021-12-07 06:49:47

This article provides a guide on Postgres Insert into Table Examples. The tutorial highlights examples to insert values into a table in PostgreSQL, such as inserting single and multiple values in a table, inserting values using the “Default” keyword and the “Returning” clause, and allowing the “INSERT” keyword in queries.

How to Clone a WordPress Site

Posted: 2021-12-07 06:43:50

This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to clone a WordPress site. This tutorial provides WordPress administrators with the simplest way to clone your site by creating backups for your hosting files and your database. In addition, the WordPress administrator can disable the plugin after generating the the image.

How to Change a Favicon in WordPress

Posted: 2021-12-07 06:42:23

This article provides an easy step-by-step guide on how to change a favicon in WordPress. This helpful tutorial highlights changing or setting a favicon in WordPress, creating a favicon for a WordPress website, and using free favicon websites, such as the Favicon-Generator, Free Favicon Generator, and, to edit colors.

Generators in JavaScript | Explained with Examples

Posted: 2021-12-07 06:38:22

Generators are special functions that can halt their execution mid-way to yield a value, save their state and allow the program to perform other tasks. When needed the generator function “resumes” their execution from the state that they paused in. Generators are used to generate a constant stream of data. They are used in collaboration with promises and iterators to create an infinite stream of data and to avoid callback function issues.

Functions in Javascript | Explained for beginners

Posted: 2021-12-07 06:31:08

JavaScript is a high-level web programming language that is used to make our web application and web pages dynamic and interactive. JavaScript offers us functions that are very helpful as they help in code reusability and improve code readability and debugging the code. In this article we discussed what is a function and what its syntax is with examples.

For, For…Of, and For…In Loops in JavaScript | Explained

Posted: 2021-12-07 06:28:52

The for loop is the most widely used loop; JavaScript comes with its variation, the for-in loop, and the for-of loop. The “For...of” and “” loops are modified versions of the For loop introduced in ES6. This article describes the syntax and working of the for, for-in and the for-of loop and what they return along with their examples.

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