PowerShell Get-ChildItem

Posted: 2021-11-12 11:51:50
Source: https://linuxhint.com/powershell-get-childitem/

The Get-ChildItem cmdlet command has been widely known within the PowerShell commands for getting some items and their child items as well. These items can be fetched from one or many locations from the system folders. How to use the Get-ChildItem cmdlet within the PowerShell is explained in this article.

How To Fix A Water Damaged Laptop

Posted: 2021-11-12 11:51:23
Source: https://linuxhint.com/how-to-fix-a-water-damaged-laptop/

Just had a small heart attack because you spilt water on your laptop? Whether you have spilt a glass of water or have had a water bottle leak in your bag while your laptop was inside, it’s not just your laptop that’s at risk, but all of your data. Relax – all is not lost. […]

Creating a Simple Discord Bot with Node.js

Posted: 2021-11-12 11:18:08
Source: https://linuxhint.com/creating-a-simple-discord-bot-with-node-js/

Discord has become the application of choice for many internet users specifically for its VOIP features. Bots in general are nothing but automation of various tasks. Anyone familiar with Discord is familiar with what a Discord bot is. You can create your own bots if you know JavaScript and NodeJs. In this article, we discussed creating a simple Discord bot using Discord.js which is a package of NodeJS.

PHP require_once() Function

Posted: 2021-11-12 03:32:11
Source: https://linuxhint.com/php-require-once-function/

The require_once() function checks if a file has been included in a script before or not. If the file has been included in the script before, then require_once() function will not include the same file again. This article will show how require_once() function is used to include files in PHP.

PHP file_get_contents() Function

Posted: 2021-11-12 03:06:51
Source: https://linuxhint.com/php-file-get-contents-function-2/

PHP contains many built-in functions to read the content of any existing non-empty file. The file_get_contents() is a built-in function of PHP to read entire content of an existing file as a string. We’ll show ways to read content of a file from different locations and URL addresses using file_get_contents().

PHP in_array() Function

Posted: 2021-11-12 02:36:47
Source: https://linuxhint.com/php-in-array-function-2/

Array variables store multiple values where each value is accessed by using the index value. In_array() is a built-in PHP function to search specific elements into an array. It searches data in case-sensitive manner. This article will discuss a way to use this function for searching value in an array.

next-20211112: linux-next

Posted: 2021-11-12 02:17:33
Source: http://www.kernel.org/

Version:next-20211112 (linux-next)

Fedora 35 Quick overview #Shorts

Posted: 2021-11-11 15:26:18
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gt8ThVETwGA

PHP json_encode() Function

Posted: 2021-11-11 06:58:40
Source: https://linuxhint.com/php-json-encode-function/

JSON is a popular data format used to serialize and transmit structured data between web server and application. JSON file is human-readable and lightweight. The json_encode() is a built-in PHP function that converts array or object into JSON data for various purposes. This article shows various uses of this function.

PHP password_verify() Function

Posted: 2021-11-11 06:55:06
Source: https://linuxhint.com/php-password-verify-function/

Password_verify() function matches the hash password with the original password. Password_hash() generates hash value based on the hashing algorithm, cost, and salt value. The password_verify() function contains all hashing information to verify the hash with the password. Shown in this article are the uses of this function using multiple examples.

PHP unset() Function

Posted: 2021-11-11 06:48:32
Source: https://linuxhint.com/php-unset-function/

The unset() function resets any variable that has been defined earlier. One is global variable and another is local variable. If unset() function is used for the local and global variables, then it resets both variables locally. This article will show the uses of this function to reset PHP variables.

PHP var_dump() Function

Posted: 2021-11-11 06:46:10
Source: https://linuxhint.com/php-var-dump-function/

The var_dump() function is a built-in function of PHP to find out the information about the value and data type of one or more variables. It also provides information about the length of the data for the string variable. In this article, we will discuss different uses of this function.

How to upload a file in React.js?

Posted: 2021-11-11 05:41:11
Source: https://linuxhint.com/upload-file-in-reactjs/

React.js is a popular front-end JavaScript library for creating and designing user interfaces for single-page apps. The most intriguing part of React.js is that with the help of it we can change data on a web page without reloading the entire web page or application. File uploading in an application is an essential component that every developer takes into account while developing an application or webpage. To get a grip on the file uploading concept, we demonstrated how to upload files using React.js in this article and demonstratedit the step by step process with screenshots.

Top 10 coding projects for beginners – JavaScript

Posted: 2021-11-11 05:34:16
Source: https://linuxhint.com/top-10-coding-projects-for-beginners-javascript/

JavaScript is a well-known scripting language that is used in websites in order to validate, build intuitive illustrations, deliver dynamic content, and considerably much more. JavaScript gives our web applications the ability to think and act by making them interactive and dynamic. There are tons of JavaScript projects available over the internet but in this article, we will present the best 10 JavaScript projects for beginners.

SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list

Posted: 2021-11-11 05:32:29
Source: https://linuxhint.com/syntaxerror-missing-parentheses-after-argument-list/

While developing software, the probability of syntax errors is high. Syntax errors occur while compiling or parsing source code. This type of syntax error also arises when an error such as typing error or missing operator is detected in a function. Following the importance of syntax error, this guide targets the meaning of syntax error. Moreover, it is also important to understand why this error occurs.

JavaScript NaN | Explained with examples

Posted: 2021-11-11 05:28:37
Source: https://linuxhint.com/javascript-nan-explained/

NaN in JavaScript is a property of a global object that means it is always present in the global scope and NaN stands for not a number. The isNan() built-in method gives us the ability to check for a value so that we can find out if it is NaN or not by returning a boolean value, true or false. In this article, we discussed what is NaN, the equality check of NaN and what returns NaN in JavaScript.

JavaScript Defer Attribute

Posted: 2021-11-11 05:25:30
Source: https://linuxhint.com/javascript-defer-attribute/

JavaScript can be referenced by the script tag of HTML and JavaScript is also called a parser blocking resource because HTML parsing is blocked by JavaScript. To solve this problem the script tag of HTML offers async and defer attributes hence allowing us to have more control over how and when external files are retrieved and executed. In this post, we will explore what JavaScript Defer Attribute is and how we can use the defer attribute.

JavaScript | console.log() with Examples

Posted: 2021-11-11 05:22:00
Source: https://linuxhint.com/javascript-console-log-examples/

JavaScript is now one of the world’s most popular programming languages. The main reason is that there are tons of frameworks and libraries that help in building many top-notch web applications with ease. The console.log() is a basic JavaScript function that is used to display or print any message to the debugger’s console. In this article, we discussed how a console.log works by explaining what the log() method is and how the “console” object is used to call different methods defined in the “API CONSOLE” from the WEB API.

JavaScript Anonymous Functions | Explained for beginners

Posted: 2021-11-11 05:18:29
Source: https://linuxhint.com/javascript-anonymous-functions/

The function is a set of instructions that is executed whenever it is called and returns some result as its answer. Functions are created by using a particular syntax, for example in JavaScript you use the function keyword and then the function name and then parenthesis. Similarly, the Anonymous functions are the same but the difference is in the syntax. In this article, we have discussed how we can create an anonymous function and store them for future usage as well.

JavaScript – Coding Standards and Conventions

Posted: 2021-11-11 05:13:59
Source: https://linuxhint.com/javascript-coding-standards-conventions/

JavaScript is a web programming language that is used to develop web applications and web pages and makes the web application interactive. Coding standards are sets of rules and principles that define a programming language's programming style, techniques, and methods. Coding standards and conventions hence come into play which improves the code readability, quality, and making debugging easy. In this article, we will go through the coding standards and conventions of JavaScript.

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