For Loops in PowerShell

Posted: 2021-08-08 16:36:40

This article provides an easy step-by-step guide using For loops in PowerShell. The Windows PowerShell ISE provides dual support in the form of a command-line interaction and a GUI-based scripting tool. This tutorial highlights the detailed use of For Loops in PowerShell ISE and the different types of For loops.

How to Use Functions in PowerShell

Posted: 2021-08-08 16:34:25

A PowerShell function is a collection of codes with optional input and output. It is the formation of a sequence of instructions to execute one or many times by simply invoking it rather than copying it repeatedly. This article will show basic and advanced methods for using functions in PowerShell.

How to Get the Current Date in PowerShell?

Posted: 2021-08-08 16:31:45

The Get-Date cmdlet is a lightweight command used in PowerShell. This command returns a DateTime object that displays the current date or a custom date. Get-Date supports a variety of UNIX and .NET date and time formats. It can generate a date or time character string, which can then be sent to other programs or commands. How to get the current date in PowerShell is explained in this article.

How to Use Hashtables in PowerShell

Posted: 2021-08-08 16:29:16

Hashtables are used to store values that contain a key. Hashtables are the most useful data structures in PowerShell. It is made up of a series of "key" and "value" pairs. These tables are utilized in many different ways. This article will show you how to use hashtables in PowerShell.

How to Change Screen Brightness in Windows

Posted: 2021-08-08 16:25:10

The majority of laptop users adjust their laptop’s screen brightness according to their needs and preferences. People are likely to use laptops in different locations indoors and outdoors with varying lighting circumstances. In this article, we will discuss how to change the screen brightness in Windows using three different methods.

How to Customize Sounds and Audible Alerts on Windows

Posted: 2021-08-08 16:22:45

Windows is a highly user-friendly operating system in comparison with other operating systems. It features a simple interface that makes navigating easy. You can customize your system’s appearance, notifications and alerts. In this article, we’ll show you how to customize sounds and audible alerts on Windows using three different methods.

How to Convert PDF to Word Doc

Posted: 2021-08-08 16:22:24

When working on any word processing application like Microsoft Word, you get various format options to save your file. However, DOC and PDF are the widely accepted formats. PDF has a limited capability for editing any documents. Word DOC provides numerous editing functions, from modifying big text sections in word format to changing the font style, font size and the flow between pages, and much more. How to Convert PDF to Word Doc is explained in this article.

How to Do Port Forwarding in Windows

Posted: 2021-08-08 16:17:47

Some applications and games require particular ports on your network to function correctly. The router has specific ports open by default. Port forwarding captures data going for one IP address and redirecting it to another IP address. This article will discuss methods on how to do port forwarding in Windows.

Difference between Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Server

Posted: 2021-08-08 16:15:13

Ubuntu has introduced various flavors in the software industry, including Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Desktop, Cloud, Kylie, etc. These Ubuntu variants ensure that Ubuntu maintains its position and attracts new clients. If you want a reliable server with a command-line interface, go for the "Ubuntu Server." On the other hand, if you want to avail a desktop environment that comprises a great GUI and preinstalled utilities, "Ubuntu Desktop" is an excellent choice for you! The difference between Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Server is explained in this article.

How to Enable ZFS Deduplication

Posted: 2021-08-08 16:11:55

The deduplication feature of ZFS filesystem is a way of removing redundant data from ZFS pools/filesystems. If you store a lot of the same files on your ZFS pool/filesystem, only one copy of these files would be kept. This article will show how to enable deduplication on your ZFS pools/filesystems.

How to Get Full Screen in Ubuntu Virtual Box

Posted: 2021-08-08 15:50:42

This article provides a guide on how to get full screen in Ubuntu Virtual Box. The Virtual Box provides three different modes that are explained in this helpful tutorial. Plus, we implemented only the full-screen mode that enhances the experience by allowing users to enjoy Ubuntu in its natural state.

How to make Animated GIF into Windows wallpaper

Posted: 2021-08-08 15:47:58

When you switch on your computer, the first thing you see is your desktop wallpaper, which can set your mood for the rest of the day. Depending on your mood, you may want to put a GIF as your wallpaper, which can be anything like your favorite scene from the movie. However, you can't use an animated GIF as wallpaper in Windows. How to make Animated GIF into Windows wallpaper is explained in this article.

How to Modify Laptop Close Behavior in Ubuntu with HandleLidSwitch

Posted: 2021-08-08 15:45:11

The logind.conf login manager configuration file on Ubuntu is used to adjust the lid closure behavior. Ubuntu suspends by default when the laptop lid is locked. We’ll modify the logind.conf file to change the behavior of the lid. In this article, we’ll configure the default lid close action in Ubuntu.

How to Optimize Windows for Gaming

Posted: 2021-08-08 15:42:33

When most gamers choose Windows from the list of available operating systems, one reason behind this selection is the excellent job optimization of Windows by Microsoft, making it adaptable according to the requirements of the gaming community. Games are well optimized for Windows; therefore, you get an improved frame rate and better overall gaming performance. How to Optimize Windows for Gaming is explained in this article.

How to Run Top in Batch Mode in Linux

Posted: 2021-08-08 15:39:40

All Linux distributions come mostly with top utility pre-installed. The top command shows real-time processing activity on your computer, as well as tasks managed by the kernel. This article will explain how to use top command in batch mode to keep an eye on your system's actions as an administrator.

Best Tools to Customize Windows

Posted: 2021-08-08 13:11:47

Many customization tools are available in Windows, but they are difficult to find or require some setting related to the Windows registry. These tools can help you enhance your Windows desktop appearance. Thanks to the third-party applications that can let you customize Windows in a matter of few seconds. The best tools to customize windows are explained in this article.

systemd Dependencies & Ordering | systemd on Linux 4

Posted: 2021-08-08 13:00:31

How to Share a Folder on the Local Network With Ubuntu

Posted: 2021-08-08 12:23:19

This article shows how to share a folder on the local network with Ubuntu. This helpful tutorial highlights installing Samba on Ubuntu 20.04 Linux system, using Samba shares to share folders over a local network, and using Nautilus as the default Ubuntu file management application to exchange folders or directories.

How to use on-screen Numpad on Windows

Posted: 2021-08-08 11:16:53

Few individuals utilize Numpad regularly. A numeric keypad or Numpad is handy for adding special characters and pure numeric entries. Furthermore, this keypad is compatible with several Windows programs. Because not everyone desires full-size keyboards, laptop manufacturers decided to eliminate the Numpad. Suppose you want to use Numpad, then no need to worry! Windows provides you some built-in solutions; there are also other alternative options. How to use on-screen Numpad on Windows is explained in this article.

Best Modem Router Combo for You

Posted: 2021-08-08 10:57:28

The best cable modem and router combo give you the best of both worlds. Instead of investing in a cable modem and a router separately, you get both in the same device. Thus, it simplifies your home network configuration. At the same time, it saves you a handsome amount every month if you are renting a cable modem from your internet provider. The best Modem Router Combo is reviewed in this article.

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