How to Get Current Working Directory in Python

Posted: 2021-07-09 23:47:07

The full path of a file or folder from the root directory is specified by absolute path. In Python, the Current Working Directory is set to the directory location from where the python script executes. Many modules exist in python to get the Current Working Directory. How to get the Current Working Directory in Python is explained in this article.

How to Initialize a std::vector in C++ with Examples

Posted: 2021-07-09 23:07:26

Vectors seem to be sequence containers that hold arrays that can grow or shrink in size. We may modify the size of std::vector flexibly while the program is executed as per our requirements, unlike std::array, whose size is set at the moment of creation and stays fixed until compilation time. How to Initialize a std::vector in C++ is explained with examples.

How to Read from stdin in Python

Posted: 2021-07-09 22:35:46

Take input from the user is an important part of any programming language. The output of the many programs depends on the standard input. The way of taking input from the user is different for different programming languages. The input() function is the most common way is to read from the standard input, which is a built-in function. How to read from stdin in Python is explained in this article.

How to Read Binary Files in Python

Posted: 2021-07-09 21:55:17

The file that contains the binary data is called a binary file. When a binary file is required to read or transfer from one location to another location, the file's content is converted or encoded into a human-readable format. How to read binary files in Python is explained in this article.

How to Read YAML File in Python

Posted: 2021-07-09 21:26:10

The full form of YAML is Yet Another Mark-up Language. This file format is very popular now to store serialized data that is human-readable. It is mainly used for configuration files, but it can be used for other purposes also. How to read YAML files in Python is explained in this article.

UEFI Shell Scripting Tutorial

Posted: 2021-07-09 19:56:51

UEFI (Unified EFI - Extensible Firmware Interface) is a software specification used to interface between the operating system and the firmware of your computer's hardware. UEFI has a built-in shell program called UEFI Shell or EFI Shell. You can use it to run EFI Shell commands and run your own EFI scripts. This article contains a UEFI Shell Scripting tutorial.

How to Check and Install CentOS Security Updates

Posted: 2021-07-09 19:56:44

Checking for updates and installing them as soon as they are available is highly recommended as it makes your system more secure, stable, and less vulnerable to security threats. When developers find any bugs in the system, they try to fix them as early as possible. Then, they give out the new fixed system as a security update. Security updates also have unique features. How to Check and Install CentOS security updates is explained in this article.

How to do Firewall Configuration in CentOS 8

Posted: 2021-07-09 19:26:06

A firewall is a system used for network security by monitoring, controlling, and filtering the network traffic(incoming or outgoing). We can set some security rules if we want to allow or block some specific traffic. So, for the security of the system, a well-configured firewall is essential. How to do Firewall Configuration in CentOS 8 is explained in this article.

Sort () V/s Sorted ()

Posted: 2021-07-09 19:14:57

Sorting is a technique to rearrange the elements or data in ascending order or descending order. In Python programming, we can do sorting very easily with the help of the methods sort () and sorted (). Even both perform the same operations, but still, they are different. In this article, the difference between Sort () and Sorted () is explained.

What Is M.2 Form Factor Drives?

Posted: 2021-07-09 19:01:14

Smaller form factor storage drives like the M.2 form factor SSDs are especially beneficial to ultrabooks, netbooks, and other portable systems. Not only are they used in smaller form factor computers, but even larger systems also make use of M.2 drives for faster transfer rates and more space inside the system. In this article, what is M.2 form factor drives are explained.

How to Create Home Directory for a User on CentOS 8

Posted: 2021-07-09 18:36:06

Administrators on Linux have to be very careful when it comes to user management for security reasons. They have to assign different levels of Sudo privileges to other users. Sometimes, they may even have to create users without a home directory. Those users can have a home directory later in CentOS 8. How to Create Home Directory for a user on CentOS 8 is explained in this article.

How to Add a Directory to PATH on CentOS 8

Posted: 2021-07-09 18:19:07

PATH is an environmental variable present in almost all major operating systems that define a set of directories where executable programs are located. Programs and scripts located in the directories specified in $PATH can be executed directly without specifying their path. When a person inputs a command, the system looks for an executable program in the directories specified in $PATH. How to Add a Directory to PATH on CentOS 8 is explained in this article.

How to install Nitrux 1.5.0

Posted: 2021-07-09 15:44:01

Distribution Release: T2 SDE 21.7

Posted: 2021-07-09 08:31:56

René Rebe has announced the release of a new version of T2 SDE, an open-source system development environment that allows the creation of custom Linux distributions. It is available for 18 processor architectures, with integrated support for cross compilation. "T2 SDE Linux 21.7 was released today. This is....

next-20210709: linux-next

Posted: 2021-07-09 03:22:26

Version:next-20210709 (linux-next)

Linux Crontab with Examples of Cron Jobs

Posted: 2021-07-09 02:15:07

Distribution Release: Linux Mint 20.2

Posted: 2021-07-09 00:23:13

Clement Lefebvre has announced the release of Linux Mint 20.2, the latest update of the popular desktop-oriented distribution with a choice of Cinnamon, MATE and Xfce desktops. The new version, based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, brings various improvements to Update Manager and Notification Centre, as well as new....

Linux overview | Nitrux 1.5.0

Posted: 2021-07-08 16:15:12

How to Map a Host Port to a Container Port?

Posted: 2021-07-08 15:35:29

The Docker open-source platform has completely changed how we build, deploy, and handle containerized apps. Containers can use port mappings to send and receive traffic through ports on the host container instance. In this article, we will explain how to map a host port to a container port in docker.

Getting Started with cloud-init

Posted: 2021-07-08 15:00:15

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