How to install and use Miniconda on Linux Mint?

Posted: 2021-03-25 14:25:10

Miniconda is a minimalistic and free installer for conda that can be easily installed in the installer script of Linux Mint. It’s a small and bootstrap version of conda. In this article, we will tackle how to install and use Miniconda on Linux Mint. Continue to read to learn more.

Copy Secure and Fast with these Top Flash Drive Duplicators

Posted: 2021-03-25 14:23:22

A USB Flash memory duplicator is one of the most versatile and fast hardware pieces for data transfer. A good USB flash drive duplicator can quickly make as many copies of the data as you may need. It duplicates data with speed without compromising on accuracy. Top Flash Drive Duplicators are explained in this article.

GNU Screen Save Session on Reboot

Posted: 2021-03-25 14:16:35

The Screen utility is used to enable multiple terminal sessions inside a single window. It can easily let you run your processes in the background. Also, this guide will cover the process of how one can save their session in the GNU Screen utility on rebooting of their Linux systems.

Basename Command in Linux

Posted: 2021-03-25 14:01:29

In Linux, the basename command prints the last element of a file path. This is especially useful in bash scripts where the file name needs to be extracted from a long file line. The "basename" takes a filename and prints the filename's last portion. It can also delete any following suffix if needed. How to use basename Command in Linux is explained in this article.

Linux Factor Command Tutorial

Posted: 2021-03-25 13:37:17

In Linux, there is a command-line utility called a very useful factor for those users who work with a prime number. The product of any prime number generates the original number referred to as Factor. Factor command in Linux supports us to print prime Factor. How to use the Linux factor command is explained in this article.

5.11.10: stable

Posted: 2021-03-25 09:13:38

Version:5.11.10 (stable)
PGP Signature:linux-5.11.10.tar.sign
Patch:full (incremental)

5.10.26: longterm

Posted: 2021-03-25 08:05:45

Version:5.10.26 (longterm)
PGP Signature:linux-5.10.26.tar.sign
Patch:full (incremental)

Install Apache Tomcat 9 Server on Ubuntu 20.04

Posted: 2021-03-25 05:51:29

Linus Torvalds On Where Rust Will Fit Into Linux

Posted: 2021-03-25 03:30:00

An anonymous reader shares an excerpt from a ZDNet article, written by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols: Linux is the poster-child for the C language. But times change. The Rust language has been slowly gathering support for use as a system language in Linux. For example, at the 2020 Linux Plumbers Conference, developers gave serious thought to using the Rust language for new Linux inline code. So, where is it today? I asked Linux's creator, Linus Torvalds, and the Linux stable kernel maintainer Greg Kroah-Hartman for their thoughts. [...] What does Torvalds make of all this? He's in "the 'wait and see' camp -- I'm interested in the project, but I think it's driven by people who are very excited about Rust, and I want to see how it actually then ends up working in practice." "Personally," Torvalds is "in no way "pushing" for Rust, [but] I'm open to it considering the promised advantages and avoiding some safety pitfalls, but I also know that sometimes promises don't pan out." Torvalds thinks "Rust's primary first target seems to be drivers, simply because that's where you find just a lot of different possible targets, and you have these individual parts of the kernel that are fairly small and independent. That may not be a very interesting target to some people, but it's the obvious one." Another point is taking on drivers first for "any initial trials to drivers is simply the architecture side," said Torvalds. "Lots of drivers are only relevant on a couple of target architectures, so the whole issue with Rust code not being supported on some architectures is less of an issue." Kroah-Hartman agrees that "drivers are probably the first place for an attempt like this as they are the 'end leafs' of the tree of dependencies in the kernel source. They depend on core kernel functionality, but nothing depends on them." Torvalds knows some people don't like the idea of Rust in userspace at all. "People complain[ing] about "Rustification" in userspace isn't a great sign for any future kernel use, but hey, we'll see. The kernel is different from userspace projects -- more difficult in some respects (we use a lot of very odd header files that pushes the boundary of what can be called "C"), but easier in many other respects (mainly in the sense that the kernel is fairly self-contained, and then doesn't rely on other projects for the final binary)." From where Kroah-Hartman sits, "it will all come down to how well the interaction between the kernel core structures and lifetime rules that are written in C can be mapped into Rust structures and lifetime rules for drivers in Rust to be able to use them properly. That's going to take a lot of careful work by the developers wanting to hook this all up and I wish them the best of luck."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

How to Install Mate Desktop Environment on EC2

Posted: 2021-03-24 19:41:38

A Desktop Environment is the collection of components like icons, files, folders, etc. Different desktop environments provide different types of components like icons, files, and folders, etc. MATE Desktop Environment is free and open-source software specially built for Linux and UNIX-like operating systems. How to Install Mate Desktop Environment on EC2 is explained in this article.

How to Install and Use Wine on Linux

Posted: 2021-03-24 19:39:35

Wine was created by Linux, a compatibility layer that enables Windows programs to run on Linux. Wine could originally run only a few Windows programs, but now it can run hundreds of them, making it a versatile Linux system. How to install and use Wine on Linux is explained in this article.

How to Install Docker Compose on Ubuntu 20.04

Posted: 2021-03-24 19:06:15

Docker Compose is a tool that provides the functionality of portability and automation testing. It’s a utility that helps define, visualize, and run multiple applications while providing a lightweight environment to build and run these applications smoothly. In this article, we’ll learn how to install Docker Composer on Ubuntu 20.04.

How to Install VMRC (VMware Remote Console) on Linux

Posted: 2021-03-24 18:52:13

VMware Remote Console or VMRC is used to access VMware ESXi or VMware vSphere virtual machines remotely. You can manage your VMware ESXi or VMware vSphere virtual machines with VMRC as well. This article explains how to install VMRC (VMware Remote Console) on Linux (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Debian 10, CentOS 8, and RHEL 8).

How to Move the File into Another Directory in Python

Posted: 2021-03-24 18:50:33

Sometimes, we need to move the file location from one path to another path for the programming purpose. Move () is the most used method of Python to move the file from one directory to another directory defined in the shutil module. Another way of moving file location by using rename() method that is defined in the os module. How to move the file into another directory in Python is explained in this article.

How to Setup an IPS (Fail2ban) to Protect from Different Attacks

Posted: 2021-03-24 18:47:49

IPS or Intrusion Prevention System is a technology used in network security to examine network traffic and prevent different attacks by detecting malicious inputs. IPS are placed just behind the firewall, and they can send alarms, drop malicious packets and block offending IP addresses. How to Setup an IPS (Fail2ban) to Protect from Different Attacks is explained in this article.

Regular Expression Basics in C++

Posted: 2021-03-24 18:44:32

The regular expression uses patterns to match substrings in the target sequence string. Patterns have metacharacters. A regex is a pattern in double-quotes. However, these functions take the regex object as an argument and not just the regex. The regex must be made into a regex object before these functions can use it. Regular Expression Basics in C++ are explained in this article.

PostgreSQL Full-Text Search Examples

Posted: 2021-03-24 18:06:58

Any database should have an effective and versatile search capability. Whenever it refers to databases, PostgreSQL is a master of all crafts. . It combines all of the things you've grown to love with SQL with a slew of non-SQL database functionalities. PostgreSQL Full-Text Search Examples are explained in this article.

Vim vs. Sublime Text Explaining Difference

Posted: 2021-03-24 17:52:29

A huge list of text editors is available online that provides amazing features and options, but it always becomes tough to choose the right one for their Windows, macOS, or Linux machine. Vim and Sublime text are two different text editors which people recommend due to their great compatibility and options. The difference between Vim and Sublime Text editors is explained in this article.

Netstat Command in Linux

Posted: 2021-03-24 17:49:45

Netstat is a command-line tool used by system administrators to evaluate network configuration and activity. The term Netstat is results from network and statistics. It shows open ports on the host device and their corresponding addresses, the routing table, and masquerade connections. How to install and configure different Netstat commands in Linux is explained in this article.

Linux uname Command tutorial

Posted: 2021-03-24 17:33:16

Uname is a short form of Unix name. This is a very useful command in Linux, which provides hardware and software information in the current running system. How to get all system information through the Uname command is explained in this article.

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