How Do I Concatenate in PostgreSQL?

Posted: 2021-09-14 14:07:07

This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to concatenate in PostgreSQL. This tutorial highlights six examples to explain the process of concatenation. There were two different methods implemented to complete the concatenation process between strings, characters, numbers, and special symbols, such as the Concat function and the “ll” method.

Left Join PostgreSQL

Posted: 2021-09-14 13:08:17

This article provides a guide on how to use the Left Join in PostgreSQL since it allows the user to combine columns from one table with the other tables based on the common columns between the provided tables. This tutorial highlights the Left Outer Join and the Left Inner Join.

What is Coalesce in PostgreSQL?

Posted: 2021-09-14 12:14:08

Coalesce is a very useful function in PostgreSQL in Windows 10. Sometimes, we do not want to see those null values while processing our data. In this case, the coalesce function can be used whose purpose is to display the first non-null value that it encounters. Coalesce in PostgreSQL is discussed in this article.

40 C programming examples

Posted: 2021-09-14 12:09:48

C programming language is one of the popular programming languages for novice programmers. It is a structured programming language that was mainly developed for UNIX operating system. It supports different types of operating systems, and it is very easy to learn. 40 useful C programming examples are explained in this article.

C++ Vector of Pointers Examples

Posted: 2021-09-14 11:03:15

An ordinary vector in C++, is a vector of objects of the same type. These objects can be fundamental or objects instantiated from a class. To use a C++ vector, program has to include vector library with a directive. We’ll give examples of vector of pointers to same object type.

Cryptographic Hash Functions

Posted: 2021-09-14 10:13:36

Cryptographic hash functions belong to the type of cryptographic protocol that is based on block ciphers. They play a significant role in securing modern-day communication systems and work as a barrier for intruders. A hash function is a one-way function that, given a variable-length input, outputs a fixed-length hash digest.

next-20210914: linux-next

Posted: 2021-09-14 06:36:58

Version:next-20210914 (linux-next)

What Is C++ Stringstream, and How to Use It?

Posted: 2021-09-14 05:21:04

This article provides an easy step-by-step guide on explaining C++ Stringstream, and how to use it. This tutorial highlights creating a Stringstream object, inputting Stringstream operation, outputting Stringstream operation, sending the first few words into variables, counting numbers in String Lateral, individual word frequencies, and string to number and vice-versa.

Lsblk Command in Linux (List Block Devices)

Posted: 2021-09-14 04:15:40

Introduction to Debian Package Management

Posted: 2021-09-14 00:51:58

The package management facilitates the task of package installation, configuration, upgrade, and removal. It also resolves the process of dependency-related issues by including the dependency resolution features. The Debian package management offers several tools including, dpkg, Advanced Packaging Tool (APT), and aptitude utility to perform package management tasks. Debian Package Management is introduced in this article.

How to Take Snapshots of Virtual Machines in VMware Workstation Pro 16

Posted: 2021-09-13 23:43:22

If you’re not sure how to perform a system upgrade, you can take a snapshot of the virtual machine before performing the task, do the task, and see how it goes. If you don’t like the result, you can always restore the virtual machine. How to take Snapshots of Virtual Machines in VMware Workstation Pro 16 is explained in this article.

How to Install Microsoft OneDrive on Ubuntu

Posted: 2021-09-13 23:18:39

OneDrive is a cloud service to save any type of file on cloud that can be accessed from anywhere. OneDrive allows you to save any form of material, including movies, photos, and documents, and get them from any system, like Windows PC and mobiles. This article explains how to install Microsoft OneDrive on Ubuntu.

How to install and configure VNC on Ubuntu

Posted: 2021-09-13 21:43:12

VNC is an acronym for Virtual Network Computing. It is a freely available, open-source alternative for the Microsoft RDP protocol (RDP). This technology is introduced for graphically sharing your desktop system by enabling you to operate another computer remotely using your mouse and keyboard. This article explains how to install and configure VNC on Ubuntu.

GNOME 41 Has Arrived

Posted: 2021-09-13 16:41:58

The latest version of the GNOME desktop environment has been released with new functionality and plenty of improvements.

Linux Lite 5.6 Quick overview #Shorts

Posted: 2021-09-13 16:23:40

The Tuxedo Stellaris 15 - Linux Gaming Notebook Review

Posted: 2021-09-13 15:00:35

Ubuntu Generate SSH key step by step

Posted: 2021-09-13 14:40:03

SSH is known, as Secure Shell, is the most popular network protocol that helps establish a secure connection between a server and client. Users can safely run commands on remote servers, forward ports, create tunnels, and perform other actions using the SSH. One of the most common mechanisms is password authentication, and the other one is public-key-based authentication.

How to use MouseTweaks on Ubuntu

Posted: 2021-09-13 14:34:31

In user-interface design and human-computer interaction, copy-paste are operations that provide an interprocess communication mechanism for moving data via the user interface of a system. The copy command duplicates the data and saves it to temporary storage (the clipboard). Then this data from the clipboard is pasted into the desired location. The copied data is accessible to any program that supports the functionality and allows itself to transfer data easily. This article explains how copy and paste operations work in Ubuntu terminal.

How to Export VMware Workstation Pro 16 Virtual Machines in OVA Format

Posted: 2021-09-13 10:42:31

VMware Workstation Pro 16 can export virtual machines in OVF and OVA format. If you export a VMware Workstation Pro 16 virtual machine in OVF format, it will generate multiple files. On the other hand, if you export a VMware Workstation Pro 16 virtual machine in OVA format, it will generate only a single file. How to Export VMware Workstation Pro 16 Virtual Machines in OVA Format is explained in this article.

How to install Xvfb on Ubuntu

Posted: 2021-09-13 03:36:28

X virtual framebuffer abbreviated as Xvfb is designed for Unix/ Linux Operating System. It allows you to execute graphical apps without having to use a monitor by connecting some input device. All graphical operations are performed in virtual memory in Xvfb. It allows the program to run headlessly. This article explains how to install and use Xvfb on Ubuntu.

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