Posted: 2021-09-12 09:34:39 Source:
To compress or minify a code means removing all the irrelevant characters from your source code without changing its functionality. These characters include white spaces, comments, new line characters, semicolons etc. But why is minimization of your code necessary? Well, it reduces the size to lesser kilobytes. Hence, making the loading of your website faster and providing the user an amazing experience. This article explains how to minify JavaScript code.
Posted: 2021-09-12 09:14:57 Source:
Making a bootable version of any OS in USB is the common practice of computer users nowadays. Linux distributions have become much popular, this guide is focused on making the USB bootable for Ubuntu in Windows 10. UNetbootin tool is used for this process as this tool is dedicated for the Linux distributions only and explained two ways to make USB bootable. This article explains how to make Ubuntu bootable USB in Windows 10.
Posted: 2021-09-12 08:36:03 Source:
The full form for JSON is JavaScript Object Notation and it is derived from the JavaScript programming language. A standard text format that defines the structured data is based on JavaScript object syntax. Transmission of data in web applications takes place through JSON. We can easily read, write and parse JSON in JavaScript using the fileSystem.readFile and fileSystem.writeFile methods.
Posted: 2021-09-12 07:49:29 Source:
Ubuntu lies in the top distributions of Linux because of its functionalities and user-friendly behavior. This distribution of Linux supports all the tools and offers the features that any other famous operating system does have, some packages and tools come with built in support, but other useful tools can be downloaded and installed from the Ubuntu repository. DVD playing support in Ubuntu is not available by default; however, you can get the required library for playing DVD. This article explains how to play DVDs in Ubuntu.
Posted: 2021-09-12 07:01:41 Source:
Version: | 5.14.3 (stable) |
Released: | 2021-09-12 |
Source: | linux-5.14.3.tar.xz |
PGP Signature: | linux-5.14.3.tar.sign |
Patch: | full (incremental) |
ChangeLog: | ChangeLog-5.14.3 |
Posted: 2021-09-12 07:00:07 Source:
Version: | 5.13.16 (stable) |
Released: | 2021-09-12 |
Source: | linux-5.13.16.tar.xz |
PGP Signature: | linux-5.13.16.tar.sign |
Patch: | full (incremental) |
ChangeLog: | ChangeLog-5.13.16 |
Posted: 2021-09-12 06:58:35 Source:
Version: | 5.10.64 (longterm) |
Released: | 2021-09-12 |
Source: | linux-5.10.64.tar.xz |
PGP Signature: | linux-5.10.64.tar.sign |
Patch: | full (incremental) |
ChangeLog: | ChangeLog-5.10.64 |
Posted: 2021-09-12 06:57:32 Source:
Version: | 5.4.145 (longterm) |
Released: | 2021-09-12 |
Source: | linux-5.4.145.tar.xz |
PGP Signature: | linux-5.4.145.tar.sign |
Patch: | full (incremental) |
ChangeLog: | ChangeLog-5.4.145 |
Posted: 2021-09-11 19:34:04 Source:
Pygame is a module in Python used for video game design; these video games range from a simple tic tac toe to space fighters. Whether you want to design a simple game or a complicated one, you have to start with the basics of how Pygame works. The basics of Pygame by creating a video game are explained in this article.
Posted: 2021-09-11 18:35:01 Source:
An array is a collection that is used to store different elements. There are different kinds of loops available in JavaScript which help us iterate over an array. We can iterate through an array in javascript using for loop, while loop, for/of loop, forEach loop, map method, and every method.
Posted: 2021-09-11 17:27:33 Source:
Postgresql database supports both JSON and SQL querying. Postgresql is customizable, and you can add many services and plugins you think are not present in postgresql, and you need them for your project. If you want to select specific rows to be deleted, postgresql allows you to use the “where” command. How to delete a specific row in PostgreSQL is explained in this article.
Posted: 2021-09-11 17:20:00 Source:
Portable document format (PDF) is one of the most used file formats, primarily to view the content of a file. The content inside the PDF file looks good, and users can view it in the same format on various devices. Irrespective of the operating systems, sometimes users need to edit the PDF files to attain a specific goal, such as some minor as well as major mistakes that can be corrected. This article explains how to edit pdf files in Ubuntu using various methods.
Posted: 2021-09-11 16:58:47 Source:
Linux is a powerful multi-user operating system. It can have many concurrent users accessing the system at the same time. The system admin can manage permissions for each user to specify which user can access what part of the system. How to create a new user with a different home directory in Linux is explained in this article.
Posted: 2021-09-11 16:44:22 Source:
Most of the users also find using the PostgreSQL databases on Windows 10 quite challenging. Installing this RDBMS on a Windows 10 system is a little more complex than the Linux operating system. How to connect to PostgreSQL Database Command Line Windows is explained in this article.
Posted: 2021-09-11 15:49:34 Source:
Ubuntu is the widely used desktop operating system in the open-source community. The “Recycle Bin” in Windows and “Trash” in Ubuntu are both utilized to store deleted files and restore them at any time. While working in an Ubuntu, if you delete a file or directory from your system, the system moves that file to the trash folder. You can also empty your system trash to get rid of unwanted folders and files. This article explains different methods to empty trash from Ubuntu through the terminal.
Posted: 2021-09-11 15:42:24 Source:
There are two ways of deleting a vector. But they do not go without constraints. One way of deleting a vector is to use the destructor of the vector. In this case, all the elements are deleted, but the name of the vector is not deleted. The second way to delete a vector is just to let it go out of scope. How to delete a Vector in C++ is explained in this article.
Posted: 2021-09-11 14:57:31 Source:
The C++ vector has many member functions. The vector member function clear() can be compared to the vector member function erase(). They are not substitutes. clear() deletes all the elements of the vector. There are two overloaded variants of the erase() member function for the vector. The comparison between Vector clear and erase in C++ is explained in this article.
Posted: 2021-09-11 14:35:14 Source:
Superusers are called root in Unix and Linux. The root account has the most access rights within the Linux system, and it is used for administrative purposes. All privileged commands on a Linux server must be executed as root or as superuser. Unlike Windows, Linux doesn't permit users other than superuser and root to execute many commands. How to become a Root User in Linux is explained in this article.
Posted: 2021-09-11 00:34:00 Source:
Patrick Schleizer has announced the release of Whonix 16, a major update of the project's Debian-based distribution designed for advanced security and privacy via fail-safe, automatic and desktop-wide use of the Tor network. The new release is based on the recently-released Debian 11: "After approximately two years of....
Posted: 2021-09-10 16:17:51 Source:
Whiteboard apps is an open source wherein it allows you to create and erase drawings in a digital board or canvas and these can be use on large screens also it is suitable for live classroom sessions. Thus this article provide you a list of whiteboard apps for Linux.