MySQL Create Temp Table

Posted: 2021-08-23 19:27:58

MySQL Temporary Table, as its name suggest, has a feature that allows you to store information temporarily for a single user session. What makes it different from a normal MySQL table is that it’s volatile. In this article, we’ll learn how to quickly create and use the MySQL temporary table.

MySQL BIGINT Number Ranges

Posted: 2021-08-23 19:00:00

MySQL BIGINT data type is a b byte or 64 integer value that can store huge integer values. Like any other integer data type, it can be signed or unsigned. In this article, we'll learn its range, storage size, and various attributes, which include the signed, unsigned, and zero fill. Permalink: mysql-bigint-number-ranges

How to install Zorin OS 16 core

Posted: 2021-08-23 15:35:09

Perror Function in C

Posted: 2021-08-23 12:23:27

The perror function prints error messages to the stderr stream based on the error state in the errno. The errno refers to a system variable that stores error codes describing an error condition produced by a call to a library function. This article will discuss how the perror function works.

next-20210823: linux-next

Posted: 2021-08-23 10:23:45

Version:next-20210823 (linux-next)

Strcat in C

Posted: 2021-08-23 10:15:27

Strings are one of the fundamental building blocks in C programming and other major programming languages. The strcat function allows you to concatenate or join two strings to form a single string value. In this article, we’ll discuss and walk you through on how to use the string function: strcat.

Using NumPy’s Meshgrid

Posted: 2021-08-23 09:13:05

A meshgrid is a rectangular grid of values made out of coordinate vectors. It is also that the values in the meshgrid are a function of the coordinate vectors. Suppose you want to create a meshgrid out of the coordinate vectors x and y. The naive way to do it is to create a new rectangular grid and assign the values of the grid by evaluating the function at each point of the meshgrid. How to use NumPy’s Meshgrid is explained in this article.

How to Use the Decimal Module in Python

Posted: 2021-08-23 09:11:57

Decimal Module is used to control decimal precision and round off numbers after the decimal point, and it also used to manipulate decimal numbers to get accurate results. Thus, this article will guide you on how to utilize the Decimal Module in Python to your needs.

DistroWatch Weekly, Issue 931

Posted: 2021-08-23 00:16:43

This week in DistroWatch Weekly: Review: Debian 11News: Haiku turns 20, Parted Magic introduces new data wiping tools, Asahi Linux project continues porting Linux to M1 MacsQuestions and answers: Notifications of news and new versionsReleased last week: Zorin OS 16, Manjaro 21.1.0, IPFre 2.27 Core 159Torrent corner: Opinion....

How to Install Etcher USB Image Writer Tool on Ubuntu

Posted: 2021-08-23 00:10:58

5.14-rc7: mainline

Posted: 2021-08-22 21:24:56

Version:5.14-rc7 (mainline)
Patch:full (incremental)

Distribution Release: Pardus 21.0

Posted: 2021-08-22 12:27:45

Pardus is a GNU/Linux distribution jointly developed by the Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and National Academic Network and Information Centre (ULAKBİM). The Debian-based distribution has published a new version, Pardus 21.0, which features several key updates. An English translation of the project's release notes....

Slackware 15.0 RC1 Released

Posted: 2021-08-22 01:11:00

Long-time Slashdot reader ArchieBunker writes: Slackware, one of oldest Linux distributions, has just announced the long awaited version 15.0 RC1 is available for download from the usual mirrors. Here's the changelog. Phoronix points out it's been nearly a decade since Slackware 14

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Linux Distros are So Much Better Than They Were 30 Years Ago

Posted: 2021-08-21 22:55:00

With the 30th birthday of Linux coming up, TechRepublic's Jack Wallen argues that its distros "are so much better today." I remember like it was yesterday. The very first time I booted into the Linux desktop. The distribution in question was Caldera Open Linux 1.0, which installed with kernel 2.0 and the desktop was Fvwm95... It was just unsightly. The colors were decidedly too Microsoftian, and it was all so ... clinical.... The Linux desktop has morphed from an ugly, awkward, and less-than-productive state, to an almost avant-garde work of art, into an elegant, productive and professional environment. All the while, it offered more choices than most users had time to consider. Even today, I could go back to Enlightenment, or opt for the likes of Pantheon, Budgie, KDE, Openbox, Fluxbox, i3, Gala, Windowmaker or numerous other takes on the desktop... If I were to go back in time and look over the shoulder at a younger me, I would probably see someone who loved the desktop he was using, but wished it could be a bit more productive. I would then whisper into his ear and say, "Give it time."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

How to Mine Etherum in 2021: Beginner’s Guide

Posted: 2021-08-21 14:36:28

Etherium mining is an excellent way for people with high-end graphics cards to earn some cash while sleeping. Even after the recent crypto dip, Etherium's value has been up considerably. Ethereum network has been driving up gas fees and is still a profitable business in 2021. How to Mine Etherum in 2021 is explained in this article.

PostgreSQL Grant Privileges

Posted: 2021-08-21 12:39:02

The PostgreSQL grant query allows you to modify the privileges for users on database objects such as tables, columns, views, functions, schemas, and more. In this article, we will discuss and walk you through on how to use the PostgreSQL grant command to modify the privileges for various database objects.

How to Use Frozenset Objects in Python

Posted: 2021-08-21 12:34:55

The article is a guide on how to use Frozenset function in Python wherein Frozenset give way to create immutable sets that can be used within other Python objects.

How to Share ZFS Volumes via iSCSI

Posted: 2021-08-21 12:28:22

The article shows how to share ZFS volumes via iSCSI. This tutorial highlights the process of creating and sharing ZFS volumes via iSCSI. In addition, setting up authentication for the iSCSI target, logging in to the iSCSI targets from a remote computer, and accessing the shared ZFS volumes are discussed.

How to Use the Tokenize Module in Python

Posted: 2021-08-21 12:21:50

The tokenize module can be used to segment or divide the text into small pieces in various ways. You can use these segments in Python applications that use machine learning, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence algorithms. How to use the Tokenize Module in Python is explained in this article.

How to Use Boolean Value in Bash

Posted: 2021-08-21 12:20:04

The boolean value can contain two types of data. These are True or 1 and False or 0. Bash does not support Boolean values, but any bash variable can contain 0 or "true" and 1 or "false". The boolean value is required to use when the script needs to generate the output based on the True or False value of a variable. How to use boolean value in bash is explained in this article.

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